Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. (John 4:23-24)
Author Archives: Spencer Chapman
The Mechanics of Worship
I once went to a business conference where all of us were Christian people worshiping the Lord. I found myself with about 10 or more other men down the front lifting my hands singing to God with tears flowing down my face…time seemed to stand still and I lost track of what was happening around me…it was just me and Him…worshiping…totally free, not worrying about what other people thought. Towards the end I turned around and found almost everyone else doing the same thing. It will be something I will never forget.
Vocalizing Worship
In my study of worship I have noticed that worship is vocal; it is something we utter with our mouth. The same is true of one who is being saved.
Worship and Obedience
My first experience of worship was in a catholic church as I had been raised in a catholic school. We sang mostly hymns and some chorus songs. The atmosphere that was created was one of holiness and reverence, a still quietness, and a feeling of being in awe of the God who was crucified. That was the place where I found Jesus. Later on I found the freedom of worship by being born again which led to the whole spectrum of worship.