In Revelation 7 we are introduced to a great multitude of people standing before the throne of God and the Lamb. In verse nine we learn that this multitude was dressed in white robes and had palm branches in their right hands. Who are these people? Where did they come from?
Category Archives: Heaven’s Worship
Worshiping God the Conqueror
The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a glorious portrayal of a conquering king who has come to share the spoils of victory with the citizens of his kingdom. The vision the Apostle John was given on the isle of Patmos cannot necessarily be put in chronological order. John was in the spirit when he was given the vision where time has no constraints.
Worshiping God the Lamb
Maybe one of the most moving revelations of Jesus is found in the fifth chapter of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Many biblical scholars view The Revelation of Jesus Christ as a revelation of the end times. There is a certain amount of end time revelation in the book, but the purpose of the book is to reveal Jesus. Those who view the book as mainly that of the end times seem to spend more time revealing the person of the anti-christ than the Conquering Christ.
Worshiping God the Creator
The twenty-four elders introduced in Revelation 4 hold an enviable position in John’s vision. Seated around the throne of God, they have access to the grandest revelations of the Creator and his Son. These revelations produce worship responses that only those who have intimate relationship with the King dare to offer.
Casting Crowns
When I was growing up I had a pet dog named Snoopy. He was a mix of Hound and German Shepard. Snoopy and I were best friends. We spent a lot of time together especially in the summer when school was out. We went hunting together, and he always followed me wherever I rode my bike. Snoopy was very protective of me and my brother.
Worship and God’s Infinity
In other articles on heaven’s worship we have explored the revelation given to the four living creatures that are around the throne of God. These creatures do not rest day or night saying, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. (Revelation 4:8) In the last part of their declaration we find another attribute of the One they are beholding; Who was and is and is to come.
Worship and God’s Sovereignty
In The Revelation of Jesus Christ we are introduced to four living creatures who do not rest day or night saying, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is and who is to come. (Revelation 4:8) What revelation did these creatures receive that sparked their non-stop worship? Let me suggest a three word phrase in their declaration that I believe reveals the source of their adoration.